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Bern-Fribourg Graduate Seminar

Program Fall 2024

Date Name Title Location
26.09.2024 Gonzalo Ruiz Stolowicz (EPFL) Kernels, Heisenberg groups and Hyperbolic Representations Bern: ExWi, B5
03.10.2024 Zarif Ibragimov (UniBe) Contractive iterative linearization Galerkin methods Fribourg: PER 08, 2.52
10.10.2024 Denis Marti (UniFr) Lipschitz-volume rigidity Bern: ExWi, B5
17.10.2024 no talk Fribourg: PER 08, 2.52
24.10.2024 Nicola Paddeu (UniFr) A gentle introduction to Hamiltonian mechanics Bern: ExWi, B5
31.10.2024 Max Liechti (UniBe) Ghostbusting and Property A Fribourg: PER 08, 2.52
07.11.2024 CUSO Graduate Colloquium Bern
14.11.2024 Toni Ikonen (UniFr) Introduction to calibrations Bern: ExWi, B5
21.11.2024 Pietro Aldrigo (UniBe) An invitation to the Theory of Varifolds and its applications to the Plateau Problem Fribourg: PER 08, 2.52
28.11.2024 Maran Mohanarangan (UniFr) Rotational invariance of critical planar percolation Bern: ExWi, B5
05.12.2024 Philippe Knecht (UniFr) Simulating Glauber dynamics for the Ising model Fribourg: PER 08, 2.52
12.12.2024 Niels Vooijs (UniBe) Computability Theory and the Fundamental Difference between Arithmetic and Math Bern: ExWi, B5

Organizers: Elia Bubani (UniBe), Damaris Meier (UniFr)

Program Spring 2024

Date Name Title Location
22.02.2024 Martina Jørgensen (ETHZ) Injective hulls and higher rank hyperbolicity Bern: ExWi, B7
29.02.2024 Elia Bubani (UniBe) Conformal modulus and quasiconformal maps Fribourg: PER 08, 2.52
07.03.2024 Luke Higgins (UniFr) Spin geometry and positive scalar curvature Bern: ExWi, B7
14.03.2024 Jasmin Jörg (UniBe) Crossing number of curves on surfaces Fribourg: PER 08, 2.52
21.03.2024 Marco Inversi (UniBas) Energy conservation for fluid flows in an Onsager critical class Bern: ExWi, B7
Easter break
11.04.2024 Émilie Manseau (UniBe) A fragment of Abelian modal logic Fribourg: PER 08, 2.52
18.04.2024 Noa Vikman (UniFr) Minimal metric spheres and bubbling Bern: ExWi, B7
25.04.2024 Letizia Issini (UniGe) Self-similar groups and divergence Fribourg: PER 08, 2.52
02.05.2024 Anne Schnattinger (UniNe) Genus and Degree of Smooth Irreducible Curves Bern: ExWi, B7
16.05.2024 Bao Tran (UniBe) Surfaces with Canonical Hyperplanes sections Fribourg: PER 08, 2.52
23.05.2024 Loïc Gassmann (UniFr) The Bunkbed conjecture Bern: ExWi, B7

Organizers: Elia Bubani (UniBe), Damaris Meier (UniFr)

Program Fall 2023

Date Name Title Location
21.09.2023 Levi Ryffel (UniBe) The combinatorics of curve systems on surfaces Fribourg: PER 08, 2.52
28.09.2023 Ulrik Thinggaard Hansen (UniFr) An Application of Haar Measures to Statistical Mechanics Bern: ExWi, B6
05.10.2023 Livio Ferretti (UniGe) Elkies' theorem on integral lattices and the topology of 4-manifolds Fribourg: PER 08, 2.52
12.10.2023 Nicola Paddeu (UniFr) SubRiemannian geodesics and magnetic fields Bern: ExWi, B6
19.10.2023 Damaris Meier (UniFr) The Geometry of Origami Fribourg: PER 08, 2.52
26.10.2023 Maran Mohanarangan (UniFr) Percolation from a quantum gravity perspective Bern: ExWi, B6
02.11.2023 Josua Schott (UniBe) Complex Geometry - A Scratch on the Surface Fribourg: PER 08, 2.52
09.11.2023 Ramona Häberli (UniGe) Splitting methods and their application to semilinear parabolic problems with non-periodic boundary conditions Bern: ExWi, B6
16.11.2023 Gaofeng Huang (UniBe) Approximation of continuous function by entire function on the real line Fribourg: PER 08, 2.52
CUSO Graduate Colloquium Fribourg
30.11.2023 Denis Marti (UniFr) On Gromov's systolic inequality Bern: ExWi, B6
07.12.2023 Stéphane Desarzens (UniBe) Gödel's Incompleteness Theorems Fribourg: PER 08, 2.52

Organizers: Elia Bubani (UniBe), Damaris Meier (UniFr)

Program Spring 2023

Date Name Title Location
22.02.2023 Denis Marti (UniFr) The Plateau problem and currents Bern: ExWi, B7
01.03.2023 Andrea Rivezzi (UHA-Mulhouse) Structure of the Drinfeld-Yetter universal algebra Fribourg: PER 08, 2.73
08.03.2023 Tom Ferragut (UniFr) What if the shortest path was not the straight line? Bern: ExWi, B7
15.03.2023 Elia Bubani (UniBE) Conformal maps in Euclidean Spaces Fribourg: PER8, 2.73
22.03.2023 Lucas D'Alimonte (UniFr) The competition between the law of large numbers and the central limit Theorem in the shape of a droplet. Bern: ExWi, B1
29.03.2023 Alessandro Danelon (UniBE) Cubic forms of infinite strength are well-ordered Fribourg: PER8, 2.73
05.04.2023 Ulrik Thinggaard Hansen (UniFr) Loewner Chains: From the Bieberbach Conjecture to Fields Medals Bern: ExWi, B7
12.04.2023 Easter break Easter break Wherever you happen to find yourself in the world
19.04.2023 Andreas Blatter (UniBE) The Exponent of Matrix Multiplication and Asymptotic Tensor Rank Bern: ExWi, B7
26.04.2023 Aleksandra Korzhenkova (EPFL) Geometry of the Gaussian free field and its vector-valued descendant Fribourg: PER8, 2.73
03.05.2023 Atefeh Rohani (UniBE) Formalisations of Obligations in Logic Bern: ExWi, B7
10.05.2023 Stéphane Desarzens (UniBE) Introduction to Unification in Modal Logic Fribourg: PER8, 2.73
17.05.2023 Carina Santos (UniBas) Runge-Kutta based local time-stepping methods for forced wave equations Bern: ExWi, B7
24.05.2023 Simon Santschi (UniBE) The finite basis problem for idempotent semirings with a group reduct Fribourg: PER8, 2.73
31.05.2023 Luca Nalon (UniFr) The Sard problem for the End-point map in step 2 Carnot groups Bern: ExWi, B7

Organizers: Elia Bubani (UniBe), Ulrik Hansen (UniFr)

Program Fall 2022

Date Name Title Location
22.09.2022 Luca Nalon (UniFr) An introduction to non-standard analysis Fribourg: PER 08, 2.52
29.09.2022 Julia Münch (UniBe) Quasiconformal uniformization and reciprocal
metric spaces
Bern: ExWi, B5
06.10.2022 Louis Faul (UniFr) Stochastic chemical reaction networks Fribourg: PER 08, 2.52
13.10.2022 Paula Truöl (ETHZ) Slice knots - knot theory in dimension 4 Bern: ExWi, B5
20.10.2022 Nicola Paddeu (UniFr) Open mapping theorems for Lipschitz maps Fribourg: PER 08, 2.52
27.10.2022 Anna Bot (UniBas) Smooth complex rational affine surface with
uncountably many real forms
Bern: ExWi, B5
17:30 - 18:15
03.11.2022 Damaris Meier (UniFr) Injective metric spaces Fribourg: PER 08, 2.52
10.11.2022 Simon Santschi (UniBe) Interpolation and amalgamation Bern: ExWi, B5
17.11.2022 Philipp Reiser (UniFr) Positive Ricci curvature and surgery Fribourg: PER 08, 2.52
24.11.2022 Naomi Bredon (UniFr) Hyperbolic Coxeter groups and their
growth rates
Bern: ExWi, B5
01.12.2022 Gaofeng Huang (UniBe) Symplectic Reduction Fribourg: PER 08, 2.52
15.12.2022 Xavier Richard (UniFr) A agent-based model of bacterial chemotaxis Bern: ExWi, B5

Organizers: Livio Ferretti (UniBe), Damaris Meier (UniFr)

Program Spring 2022

Date Name Title Location
24.02.2022 Elia Bubani Pseudo-distances and hyperbolicity Bern: ExWi, B78
03.03.2022 Ulrik Hansen A Taste of Percolation Fribourg: PER 08, 2.52
10.03.2022 Livio Ferretti Topology and combinatorics in knot theory Bern: ExWi, B7
17.03.2022 Denis Marti Plateau's problem Fribourg: PER 08, 2.52
24.03.2022 Francesca Tripaldi An overview of spectral sequences Bern: ExWi, B7
31.03.2022 Lucas d'Alimonte An overview of the behavior of correlations
in the Ising model
Fribourg: PER 08, 2.52
07.04.2022 Stéphane Desarzens Cantor-Bernstein implies excluded middle Bern: ExWi, B7
14.04.2022 Levi Ryffel Braid Groups in Mapping Class Groups Fribourg: PER 08, 2.52
28.04.2022 Alejandro Vargas 3 proofs that every degree-3 smooth surface
in ℙ3ℂ has 27 lines
Bern: ExWi, B7
05.05.2022 Julia Münch Cannon's Conjecture; when Geometric Group
Theory meets Analysis
Fribourg: PER 08, 2.52
12.05.2022 Nafie Tairi The Grassmanian as a projective variety Bern: ExWi, B7
19.05.2022 Florine Pierroz Dynamical properties of pseudo-Anosov maps Fribourg: PER 08, 2.52
02.06.2022 Audhild Høgåsen Lattice-based cryptography for electronic voting Bern: ExWi, B7

Organizers: Livio Ferretti (UniBe), Damaris Meier (UniFr)