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Bern-Fribourg Graduate Seminar

This is a seminar aimed at Masters and PhD students from the universities of Fribourg and Bern. We meet weekly on Thursdays from 17:15 to 18:00, alternating between the two cities.

Talks should be understandable for Master and PhD students from any field of Mathematics, better if introductory than at research level. We encourage everyone to give a talk about any mathematical topic that interests them and not necessarily their own research.

The goal of this seminar is to have fun together, learn new maths in different fields and tighten links between the two universities, by providing a space for students to freely talk about their favourite topics in an informal environment. It is also a good occasion for masters students to get a better idea of what's going on in contemporary mathematics and, why not, to practice giving talks to a friendly audience. If you have any questions or want to be added to our mailing list, feel free to contact the organizers.

Program Spring 2024

Date Name Title Location
22.02.2024 Martina Jørgensen (ETHZ) Injective hulls and higher rank hyperbolicity Bern: ExWi, B7
29.02.2024 Elia Bubani (UniBe) Conformal modulus and quasiconformal maps Fribourg: PER 08, 2.52
07.03.2024 Luke Higgins (UniFr) Spin geometry and positive scalar curvature Bern: ExWi, B7
14.03.2024 Jasmin Jörg (UniBe) Crossing number of curves on surfaces Fribourg: PER 08, 2.52
21.03.2024 Marco Inversi (UniBas) Energy conservation for fluid flows in an Onsager critical class Bern: ExWi, B7
Easter break
11.04.2024 Émilie Manseau (UniBe) A fragment of Abelian modal logic Fribourg: PER 08, 2.52
18.04.2024 Noa Vikman (UniFr) Minimal metric spheres and bubbling Bern: ExWi, B7
25.04.2024 Letizia Issini (UniGe) Self-similar groups and divergence Fribourg: PER 08, 2.52
02.05.2024 Anne Schnattinger (UniNe) Genus and Degree of Smooth Irreducible Curves Bern: ExWi, B7
16.05.2024 Bao Tran (UniBe) Surfaces with Canonical Hyperplanes sections Fribourg: PER 08, 2.52
23.05.2024 Loïc Gassmann (UniFr) The Bunkbed conjecture Bern: ExWi, B7


You can get reimbursed for travel expenses. Just keep your train tickets and bring them to the secretary office. Unless you're a masters student in Fribourg, in which case you keep your train tickets and contact Damaris.


If you want to join our mailing list, contact the organizers.



Elia Bubani (elia.bubani[at]unibe.ch)


Damaris Meier (damaris.meier[at]unifr.ch)