Metric Geometry and Geometric Measure Theory

University of Fribourg, Switzerland
21 - 23 August 2024

The aim of this workshop in the broad areas of Metric Geometry and Geometric Measure Theory is to bring together experts in the field in order to discuss recent advances and new directions as well as to exchange ideas.

List of speakers:
Giovanni Alberti (University of Pisa)
David Bate (University of Warwick)
Mario Bonk (University of California, Los Angeles)
Nicola Cavallucci (EPF Lausanne)
Guy C. David (Ball State University)
Toni Ikonen (University of Helsinki)
Bruce Kleiner (New York University)
Damaris Meier (University of Fribourg)
Panos Papasoglu (Oxford University)
Stéphane Sabourau (University Paris-Est Créteil)
Daniele Semola (ETH Zürich)
Lauro Silini (ETH Zürich)
Antoine Song (Caltech)
Stephan Stadler (Max Planck Institute, Bonn)

Urs Lang (ETH Zürich)
Enrico Le Donne (University of Fribourg)
Stefan Wenger (University of Fribourg)